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A friendship strong is a song sung by Haruka Kotohime, Momo Lanitoba, Enori Kurumi and Sonomi Maiha. This is also the transformation song for Momo's Ultimate Form transformation.


Haruka: This battle is not over yet, this battle's getting started. This battle is important. Let us hope we do not fail, let us hope we all prevail, let us wish for power strong.

Momo: I know I am writing my own songs, I am confident today, and I will take another step into the path, of our shining future, this light will be lit forever. (Enori: I'm next)

All: We're in control, we're strong, we belong together! We're smiling, no crying, we are friends forever.

Enori: This battle is ultra, we are strong, we can help those lost souls get back. I never wanna lose this battle. I am confident today also, I will help you all out.(Maiha: My turn!)

Maiha: Those important people, mean a lot to us, they are our friends. Shining friendship, everyone is safe, look at our power. (Momo: Yes!)

All: We're in control, we're strong, we belong together! We're smiling, no crying, we are friends forever.

Haruka: A friendship saved, is a friendship strong. Momo: A happiness, is a power strong. Enori: Winning this battle, saving our friends. Maiha: We gotta be there, 'til the movie's end.

Momo: Wait. Is this a movie? Haruka: Yes, now keep going.

All: We're in control, we're strong, we belong together! We're smiling, no crying, we are friends forever.

Haruka: We're smiling, no crying, we are friends forever!


This song was played at the end of Departure Pretty Cure! Miracle Stars! Final end?.
